It is clinically better for you to be seen at the surgery where we have better facilities, diagnostic aids and lighting to assess you. We work closely with Ealing Community Transport (ECT) to bring patients to the surgery where possible, transport needs to be booked in advanced to support patients to come in to the surgery.
Home visits are ONLY for patients with severe mobility limitations or permanently housebound and too ill to attend the surgery.
If you do not have transport, and qualify for ECT transport, we can help book this for you. please ask our Reception Team.
If you need a home visit please contact the surgery as early as possible in the morning, before 10:00, and give one of our receptionists details. Our Nursing team will call you back for more information and confirm whether a home visit is appropriate depending on the urgency of your needs. Home visits will be directed to your own GP where possible or a member of our clinical team.